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Folke last won the day on August 15 2018

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  1. Grüezi Fabian, many thanks for sharing the script. Meanwhile i've figured out exactly the same way using MSSQL directly. Sure, it's dangerous, but i tink they will not change the DB-Structure the next releases and maybe i can rewrite my PasswordStateUpdateFolder() function to use the API and not MSSQL a couple of releases later. Grüße in die Schweiz aus München Folke
  2. Hey Click Studios, Thanks for your instant response. Yes, i want to make changes to existing PasswordLists and Folders. And this is not a one time import job, i want to have a permament one-way synchronosation between a list of our customers and the PasswordFolder in Passwordstate. Kind Regards
  3. Hi there! I'm adding to this topic because we have the same issue: I'm currently testing Passwordstate and overall everything is fine and the product suits well to our requirements. My plan is to synchronise an external customer-database with passwordstate by adding a folder for each customer. The API works well but it's not possible to change some attributes: * changing name and description * changing parent folder (move folder) * nice would be: getting just one folder by Id (currently not possible) Not having that features would be a show stopper. And by the way: I've added a few functions to Fabians Import-KeePass-XML.ps1 which now supports configurable mapping of keepass' addidional fields to Passwordstate generic Fields, adding not handled fields to the description, UTF8 Ümläüte fixed, and support for files/attachments. Works very smooth now. If anyone is interested i can provide it here Kind Regards Folke
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