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  1. Thanks
    support got a reaction from Scott McInness in TLS Support for Syslog Server   
    And here's a screenshot of what you will be able to configure for Syslog i.e. construct your own data structure, select which events you want to send across, and the Severity of those events.

  2. Thanks
    support got a reaction from Scott McInness in TLS Support for Syslog Server   
    Hi Guys.
    We've finished this in version 10, but the release will still be a while off.

    Click Studios
  3. Like
    support got a reaction from Digital Dynamics in Use browser Developer Tools to capture network traffic for Browser Extension   
    You are trying to configure the Passwordstate browser extension but are getting a Connection error, server not available error message, or Error, connection timed out and the browser extension icon stays Red in colour
    Troubleshooting Steps:
    Please follow this process below to capture the network traffic when this issue occurs, and forward that onto Click Studios support for analysis.
    Step 1:
    Click on the Manage Extensions button

    Step 2:
    Enable the Developer Mode option, and then click Service Worker link, and this will open a separate browser window with the developer tools

    Log into Passwordstate, then try Logging into the extension

    Step 4:
    This will generate some traffic under the Network tab in the Developer tools window.  Save the output to a .har file and forward that onto Click Studios support to look at.

  4. Like
    support got a reaction from Ensenada242 in Upgrade from version 8995   
    Hi Ensenada242,
    Yes, no issues with this at all.  Nothing will change when you upgrade in terms of licensing.
  5. Like
    support got a reaction from Sarge in Hosts Folders   
    Hi Sarge,

    We've got this feature coming in version 10, as well as multiple methods in the API's to manage Host Folders as well.

    Click Studios
  6. Like
    support got a reaction from smithmesteve in Logging in fails with General Error when using Citrix Netscalar, after upgrading to build 9835   
    Build No '9835' - Error Code = The anti-forgery token could not be decrypted. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that all machines are running the same version of ASP.NET Web Pages and that the <machineKey> configuration specifies explicit encryption and validation keys. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster., StackTrace = at System.Web.Helpers.AntiXsrf.AntiForgeryTokenSerializer.Deserialize(String serializedToken) at System.Web.Helpers.AntiXsrf.AntiForgeryWorker.Validate(HttpContextBase httpContext) at uRM=.zSI=.uhM=(Object zyI=, EventArgs 0CI=)
    Set up Session Persistence in the Netscalar.  This is under the Configuration tab -> Traffic Management -> Load Balancing -> Virtual Servers page.  If you open your virtual server you use for Passwordstate, then you can enable Persistence like my screenshot below:

  7. Thanks
    support got a reaction from RobertRo in NTLM Blocking breaks Remote Session Launcher   
    Hello Robert,
    Yes, we have information in the following manual - just search for kerberos - https://www.clickstudios.com.au/downloads/version9/Passwordstate_Remote_Session_Management_Manual.pdf

    Click Studios
  8. Like
    support got a reaction from colombeen in Additional Password List Support in API   
    A customer has requested the following functionality:
    "Would be great to be able to manage\modify and delete password lists via API.". Specifically fields and settings on Password Lists.

    Click Studios
  9. Like
    support got a reaction from Eritherium in Sync users from Azure AD   
    Hello Valentijn,
    This feature will be coming in version 10.

    Click Studios
  10. Like
    support got a reaction from Eritherium in Authentication option: Azure AD (Oauth)   
    Hi Guys,
    We are working on synchronizing Azure AD user accounts and security groups in version 10, which we believe will somewhat help with this feature request.

    With SAML authentication, you can also use Azure MFA for this already as well.

    Click Studios 
  11. Thanks
    support got a reaction from Ralph K in API - Getting details of entries without the password   
    Hi Ralph,
    The following in the API documentation will help with this.

    Click Studios
  12. Like
    support got a reaction from Mordecai in PowerShell Scripts and Secure HTTPS WinRM Listeners   
    Hi Guys,
    We plan on working on this for version 10, which we're currently working on.

    Click Studios
  13. Like
    support got a reaction from Mordecai in Authentication option: Azure AD (Oauth)   
    Hi Guys,
    We are working on synchronizing Azure AD user accounts and security groups in version 10, which we believe will somewhat help with this feature request.

    With SAML authentication, you can also use Azure MFA for this already as well.

    Click Studios 
  14. Like
    support got a reaction from Mordecai in Dark mode in UI   
    We are trying to work on this for version 10 guys.
    It's an enormous amount of work, with over 400 pages to update and test, tweaking of all the Telerik controls, as well as a series of new icons.
    We are going to need to also limit some UI customizations in V10 for this new theme, so it does not alter the aesthetic of it. 

    Click Studios
  15. Like
    support got a reaction from Mordecai in Use browser Developer Tools to capture network traffic for Browser Extension   
    You are trying to configure the Passwordstate browser extension but are getting a Connection error, server not available error message, or Error, connection timed out and the browser extension icon stays Red in colour
    Troubleshooting Steps:
    Please follow this process below to capture the network traffic when this issue occurs, and forward that onto Click Studios support for analysis.
    Step 1:
    Click on the Manage Extensions button

    Step 2:
    Enable the Developer Mode option, and then click Service Worker link, and this will open a separate browser window with the developer tools

    Log into Passwordstate, then try Logging into the extension

    Step 4:
    This will generate some traffic under the Network tab in the Developer tools window.  Save the output to a .har file and forward that onto Click Studios support to look at.

  16. Like
    support got a reaction from fecton.ernst.meinhart in Have I Been Pwned Scheduled Report: Check specific Folders / Password lists only   
    Thanks for your request.
    Please be aware though that under no circumstances do we send credentials to any third party services, including Have I Been Pwned. Please see there documentation here, for how their API works - https://haveibeenpwned.com/API/v3

    Click Studios
  17. Like
    support got a reaction from Jimmyth in Passkeys   
    Hi Everyone, 
    Build 9849 of Passwordstate has been released, along with a new version of our Browser extensions for Chrome, Edge and Firefox that now supports Passkeys.  The browser extension versions are also 9849 and should have automatically updated in your browser.  Currently this is a beta build of the Passkeys functionality, and we'd appreciate if you notice any bug to please log a support call with Click Studios via this page: https://www.clickstudios.com.au/support.aspx
    You'll need to upgrade your core Passwordstate application tot he latest build by following this guide: https://www.clickstudios.com.au/downloads/version9/Upgrade_Instructions.pdf
    Once upgraded, you'll find a new section in the Help -> Browser Extensions Manual called "Web Authentication Passkeys" that will help understand how to use this new feature.
    Supported website can be found at this link:  https://passkeys.directory/
    Thanks to all for your feature request, and if you run into any issues with it, or have any questions, please let us know!
  18. Like
    support got a reaction from Mordecai in Host Folders via API   
    Hi Mordecai,
    The only other API functionality we think we'll be adding at this stage is related to documentation, specifically searching for documents.  No changes will be made to existing API code so your existing scripts won't be affected, and we'll be releasing the first build of Passwordstate 10 as a beta to all users.  Normally we'll run the beta for about 2 months and fix any issues that were reported before the first stable version is released.
    Click Studios.
  19. Like
    support got a reaction from Mordecai in Passkeys   
    Hi Everyone, 
    Build 9849 of Passwordstate has been released, along with a new version of our Browser extensions for Chrome, Edge and Firefox that now supports Passkeys.  The browser extension versions are also 9849 and should have automatically updated in your browser.  Currently this is a beta build of the Passkeys functionality, and we'd appreciate if you notice any bug to please log a support call with Click Studios via this page: https://www.clickstudios.com.au/support.aspx
    You'll need to upgrade your core Passwordstate application tot he latest build by following this guide: https://www.clickstudios.com.au/downloads/version9/Upgrade_Instructions.pdf
    Once upgraded, you'll find a new section in the Help -> Browser Extensions Manual called "Web Authentication Passkeys" that will help understand how to use this new feature.
    Supported website can be found at this link:  https://passkeys.directory/
    Thanks to all for your feature request, and if you run into any issues with it, or have any questions, please let us know!
  20. Like
    support got a reaction from Mordecai in Host Folders via API   
    This functionality will be coming in version 10, which we are currently working on. Specifically, the following - at this stage we do not have a release date for V10 though.
    1. Adding a Host record
    2. Deleting a Host record
    3. Searching for Host records
    Host Folders
    1. Add Host Folder
    2. Delete Host Folder
    3. Search Host Folder
    4. Add Host Folder Permissions
    5. Delete Host Folder Permissions
    6. Add Host Records into Folder
    7. Remove Host Records from Folder
    Remote Session Credentials
    1. Add Remote Session Credential
    2. Update Remote Session Credential
    3. Delete Remote Session Credential
    4. Search Remote Session Credentials
    5. Add Remote Session Credential Permission
    6. Delete Remote Session Credential Permission
    7. Search Remote Session Credential Permissions
    Click Studios
  21. Like
    support got a reaction from Digital Dynamics in Passkeys   
    Hi Everyone, 
    Build 9849 of Passwordstate has been released, along with a new version of our Browser extensions for Chrome, Edge and Firefox that now supports Passkeys.  The browser extension versions are also 9849 and should have automatically updated in your browser.  Currently this is a beta build of the Passkeys functionality, and we'd appreciate if you notice any bug to please log a support call with Click Studios via this page: https://www.clickstudios.com.au/support.aspx
    You'll need to upgrade your core Passwordstate application tot he latest build by following this guide: https://www.clickstudios.com.au/downloads/version9/Upgrade_Instructions.pdf
    Once upgraded, you'll find a new section in the Help -> Browser Extensions Manual called "Web Authentication Passkeys" that will help understand how to use this new feature.
    Supported website can be found at this link:  https://passkeys.directory/
    Thanks to all for your feature request, and if you run into any issues with it, or have any questions, please let us know!
  22. Like
    support got a reaction from Andrew M in Host Folders via API   
    This functionality will be coming in version 10, which we are currently working on. Specifically, the following - at this stage we do not have a release date for V10 though.
    1. Adding a Host record
    2. Deleting a Host record
    3. Searching for Host records
    Host Folders
    1. Add Host Folder
    2. Delete Host Folder
    3. Search Host Folder
    4. Add Host Folder Permissions
    5. Delete Host Folder Permissions
    6. Add Host Records into Folder
    7. Remove Host Records from Folder
    Remote Session Credentials
    1. Add Remote Session Credential
    2. Update Remote Session Credential
    3. Delete Remote Session Credential
    4. Search Remote Session Credentials
    5. Add Remote Session Credential Permission
    6. Delete Remote Session Credential Permission
    7. Search Remote Session Credential Permissions
    Click Studios
  23. Like
    support got a reaction from Eileen in Scheduled Report (not) based on a user   
    Hi Guys,
    We will be making this change for version 10, which we're currently working on.

    Click Studios
  24. Like
    support got a reaction from Sarge in Scheduled Report (not) based on a user   
    Hi Guys,
    We will be making this change for version 10, which we're currently working on.

    Click Studios
  25. Like
    support got a reaction from Digital Dynamics in Browser Extension - Similar URL's / Aliases for a site   
    The follow feature on password records should help with this - this is a feature we use internally quite a bit as well.

    Click Studios
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