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Posts posted by cladmonitor

  1. Last year your team changed the exchange process for obtaining or revealing passwords in the webUI for PasswordState. I totally understand the requirements, but we hope there could be some UI changes to make this easier when something doesn't work.
    1 - When there is a failure because the window was moved out of focus early, could the notification please be left on the screen either starting the timer once the window has been re-focused or for a longer period. 

    2 - When there was a failure retrieving the password can the notification be a different color or something more visible. (i.e the background of the notification is red).


    Our reasoning:

    We are a 40 person MSP with users all around the country, some of which in the field on constrained mobile connections working with clients. This poor connectivity frequently makes the exchange of the behinds the scenes data take much longer, and techs break the focus of the window too quickly and thus gets an error, but the error disappears before they refocus. When they do get the error because the notification looks identical to a successful message, they don't realize why the password copy isn't working. 

    Thanks all!


  2. We use PasswordState with the Devolutions product Remote Desktop Manager and have spent about a year working with them on changes to incorporate the new OTP API call you integrated last year. They have pointed out a shortcoming between the two products that they are asking me to pass along.


    Because the OTP is a time sensitive response, the time in which it can be used or injected into a session causes an issue for useability. 


    Could the API pass two details back:

    1. The OTP result (As it is now)

    2. The time remaining for valid use? 


    #2 s subjective on the return, milliseconds may be better since its far more accurate than second, a time code to expiration would work but any differential in the time on the system making the request could make this a problem.

    I'm worried about backwards compatibility so we are not sure if it would be an entirely new endpoint, whatever you come up with will be helpful!

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