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  1. I have created a Powershell script that exports the PasswordState configuration data to JSON files. Feel free to try it out: https://github.com/ServaasGoossens/PasswordStateConfig2Json.
  2. +1 for an export of all the configuration values in the Administration area. JSON format would be my preference.
  3. +1 In general, I prefer to use the Windows Integrated API instead of API keys. But the use case would be similar. Also: ability to move password lists from one folder to another using the API
  4. +1 A roadmap would be great, even if you cannot promise any timelines.
  5. +1 FIDO U2F is important, but FIDO2 with passwordless logins should not be ignored either. The best choice is probably to add support for WebAuthn to PasswordState. As I understand it, this would allow the use of U2F devices as a 2nd factor as well as FIDO2 devices for passwordless login. This includes Passkeys, Yubikeys, Windows Hello and others. Platform support for WebAuthn is very good nowadays. Refs: https://fidoalliance.org/fido2-2/fido2-web-authentication-webauthn/ https://www.nitrokey.com/blog/2022/fido2-webauthn-passkeys-2022-and-2023 https://support.yubico.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016615020-Operating-system-and-web-browser-support-for-FIDO2-and-U2F Related:
  6. +1 We have also started sending PasswordState's log data to a SIEM. Given PasswordState's support for sending log data to a syslog server, I assumed that the syslog standard would be followed. But, unfortunately, we observe that the data sent over TCP does not comply to RFC 6587 section 3.4, nor does it comply to RFC 5424 section 6. Besides, a more structured log format would be much appreciated, using a modern standard, as described by JohnB above. Thank you.
  7. +1. Imho, -UseSSL should be the default in all scripts that do WinRM. Another option (or workaround) would be to allow disabling built-in powershell scripts. I can then add my own versions of the scripts and be sure that the originals can no longer be used.
  8. +1 This request is similar to the one below:
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