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  1. Does anyone know how you can use OATH-HOTP on a spare key? I tried using the same secret key for both keys but after X amount of logins on my main key, the spare key keep getting rejected. TOTP works fine but I prefer the HOTP due to how quick and simple it is. I'm guessing currently there is no option for FIDO, PIV, U2F or spare HOTP.
  2. So I removed the default passwordstate_user account and added a gMSA account. I granted the gMSA the db_owner user mapping for the Passwordstate database. I updated the web.config connectionstring to use "IntegratedSecurity=SSPI" instead of User ID and Password. I still get database connectivity error. Edit: I edit the application pool and edit the identity to user domain\gmsa$ and that fixed it. I forgot that I specify the domain name.
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