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Windows app - Login in different browsers and Autotype for logins


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When working with different environments using different Azure ADs for logging in, the PWS link is not helpful:

  • in PWS I am logged in in our company AD
  • when clicking on the URL saved in PWS, the URL will be opened in the same browser (so in the same AD), so I'll never get into the AD of a customer AD where I have to administer some changes/ develop in SAAS applications.


To compare with  the windows app KeePass (which cannot share passwords)

  • It can open the URL in the last recently opened browser window or a specific browser / incognito window. For Example in Chrome I use different chrome "people" to keep settings of different target systems and customers apart.
  • It can auto type login and password

These features will not be available from a browser, the browser has no access to other processes running on the computer.

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