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Dependencies Discovery - Need Help


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Hi !


I have PasswordState 9 (Free 5 users) and everything runs smooth except 2 features and this topic is for one of them.

The dependencies discovery. 


I try to use the PasswordState powershell script that's called "Discover Windows Account Dependencies".
When I put the list of our servers and precise the identity, the script seems to work but for an unknown reason, some servers just don't return Scheduled Tasks. 


Even 2 identicals servers (like load-balancing's ones) which are supposed to be identical... Don't behave the same way...

For exemple, SRV1 and SRV2 are supposed to have similar configuration. 


SRV1 returns it Scheduled Tasks and SRV2 returns : "Cannot call a method on a null-valued expression"

I am not a developper and this issue just surpass my skills...



Does anyone have any idea about how to troubleshoot this ? Ever encountered this ?
Or anything that could help us to get a relation AD Account <-> Scheduled Tasks (per Host) 



Really appreciate any help, thanks !




Edit : Wrong version of General Support (PasswordState 8, I wanted v9...) Mea Culpa

Edited by Kbrun
Wrong version of General Support (PasswordState 8, I wanted v9...)
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