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Launch Reset Portal Installer through GPO


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  • 3 weeks later...

solved with these steps:


  • download PasswordstateCredentialProvider.exe from passwordstate admin section
  • save on a network share readable from your users
  • create a batch file (ex. rpcp_install.bat) on your domain controller
@echo off
REM Reset Portal Credential Provider installation

set InstallRev=ResetPortalCredentialProvider_XXX

if exist "%windir%\rpcp.txt" goto Finish

\\network_share\PasswordstateCredentialProvider.exe /s Text="Reset Password/Unlock Account" Url="https://passwordreset.domain.com/?ShowExitButton=true"
echo %InstallRev% > "%windir%\rpcp.txt"

  • create a GPO under yourdoman - computers
  • edit the GPO a go to "Computer Configuration" - "Policies" - "Windows Settings" - "Scripts (Startup/Shutdown) and double click "Startup" in the right panel
  • click the Add... button, click the Browse... button, a folder will open, copy here the batch file rpcp_install.bat, select it and confirm (see gpo_example.png)
  • now when a users login the installer will silently start



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