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  1. +1. This should be a user-conrfigurable option, not arbitrarily mandated.
  2. I'd like to request that the font used to display entries in both the web and mobile apps be changed to a serif font. The current sans serif font leads to ambiguity with characters such as l and I (lowercase L and captial i, respectively). This applies to all fields, not just passwords. Thanks!
  3. We have the need to exclude several services from discovery (and ideally remove references to them in already-discovered hosts). Is this a configurable option? If not, can the discovery script be edited?
  4. Update: I was able to access the database and pull the username used by the emergency account: Passwordstate\EmergencyAccess I don't see this documented anywhere in the manuals, so hopefully it can be incorporated and this post will help others. I'm including the text of the prompt below for search engine indexing: SAML Maintenance Mode User Check To finish the upgrade process, please specify the User ID of the Administrator who enabled Maintenance Mode for the upgrade. Please UserID in the format of Domain\UserName
  5. After upgrading to 9858, we're prompted with a different login request than normal. I'm really not sure what to enter here - the upgrade was performed using the emergency account which doesn't have a username, and it was the emergency account that enabled maintenance mode. We're currently locked out of our instance.
  6. Well, the point of this is to not need to know the port, and there is no guarantee that the port number for an instance will not change. It's determined at startup: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/tools/configuration-manager/tcp-ip-properties-ip-addresses-tab?view=sql-server-ver15#dynamic-ports
  7. They're using dynamic ports and listening on the same IP.
  8. Thanks - I logged the feature request here. I'm only querying 3 SQL instances right now, all on the same server. Let me know if you need me to provide anything for the other issues.
  9. This can be done with one simple Powershell command: [System.Data.Sql.SqlDataSourceEnumerator]::Instance.GetDataSources() This returns ServerName InstanceName IsClustered Version ---------- ------------ ----------- ------- MY-SQL-SERVER INSTANCE1 No 11.0.7001.0 MY-SQL-SERVER INSTANCE2 No 14.0.1000.169 MY-SQL-SERVER INSTANCE3 No 11.0.7001.0 MY-SQL-SERVER INSTANCE4 No 11.0.7001.0
  10. Hi all, New Passwordstate user here, brand new install on build 8993. We're trying to set up a MS SQL account discovery jobs and are running into a few oddities. First, there does not seem to be a way to define multiple SQL instances for a host without having to define multiple host entries (one for each instance). This is pretty clunky, and brings up 2: There's no auto-discovery of SQL instances - why not leverage the functionality of the SQL Browser service to enumerate instances automagically, then tie each instance to a Privileged Account Credential? After creating a second host and specifying a different instance (let's call this instance B), the discovery job "finds" accounts from instance A and either (I can't figure out what causes one to happen vs the other): - adds a duplicate record to the password list. In other words, we wind up with two entries: servername (instance A)\fred and servername (instance B)\fred - even though fred isn't a user on instance B. - associates instance B's unique discovered users with instance A The account discovery job statistics are not updated as expected. The Last Discovery Took field is always 00:00:00, unless you run a job manually and don't navigate away from the page. There is no way (that I've found) to have the instance name used as a variable. This means that the associated password list has identical Title and Description entries for each instance, leading to confusion. Any help is appreciated!
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