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  1. Thank you for the tipp, but this service account would require an Exchange Online license
  2. +1 (had to fix it too many times, locked users without a reason)
  3. We already created some scheduled reporting. A manager has to approve the access to the passwords of his/her team before the access right is assigned (outside of Passwordstate). We would like to send out different scheduled reports for the managers. Now my issue is, that the reports are somehow user based. I have an admin account that does not have a mailbox. The creator of the report is also the main recipient, others can be put only in CC. Now for every report I'll also receive an NDR / delivery error. Could this be fixed or does someone have a workaround? Of course I can use my licensed user-account to create the reports but then we'd have the same issue when my account does not exist anymore. Or I can use a license of a service account to log on to Passwordstate, but it all sounds like a quick fix. How do you deal with it?
  4. I have a complaint, that when you right click on a (personal) password list, it shows but is greyed out to create a folder or another list. Could this be removed? I had different requests, also why it is not pissoble to change permissions on a private password list - took me a minute to even understand the question.
  5. +1 German +1 Dansk As far as I heard from clcikstudios a translation will not happen before somewhere in 2024.
  6. We would love to send out Scheduled Reports but are limited to only sending out a report for only one Security Group, when choosing What Permissions exist for a Security Group? As one teamleader could be useful to review different access groups, I would need to send him/her different reports to review. It would be nice to send out one report including a few Security Groups.
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