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  1. Hi Tapple, To confirm you just wanted this added to the Report 'What passwords are currently checked out', which can be executed via the API? If so, that would be a quick and easy change for us. Regards Click Studios
  2. Hi Ensenada242, Yes, no issues with this at all. Nothing will change when you upgrade in terms of licensing. regards, Support.
  3. Issue: If you have upgraded to Passwordstate build 9894, and have also upgraded the AppServer module, or are trying to install it from scratch, you may see this error below: Fix: This was a compiling issue in build 9894 for the AppServer, and can be fixed by downloading and using these source files below to either update, or install the AppServer: https://www.clickstudios.com.au/downloads/temp/PasswordstateAppServer_Build9895.zip The SHA256 Checksum for this file is: 371174A0D71FCEAFEDB214ADB0636E23DF6B71366DC3036AB04F5E6A0BCC78E9 Click Studios will include this fixed AppServer in the next build we release, at the time of writing this forum post, the build number is not known. Regards, Support
  4. Hi Guys, You can find the setting here on the System Settings screen. Regards Click Studios
  5. Hi Sarge, We've got this feature coming in version 10, as well as multiple methods in the API's to manage Host Folders as well. Regards Click Studios
  6. Hi Emad, Are you referring to the navigation tree under the Passwords tab, or Administration tab? If Passwords tab, you cannot delete a folder until all nested Folders and Password Lists have been deleted - unless you are using an old build of Passwordstate. If you are referring to the Administration tab, then this is by design, as many customers have requested this in the past. Regards Click Studios
  7. Hello Everyone, Today we have released build 9894. For full details, please refer to our changelog here https://www.clickstudios.com.au/passwordstate-changelog.aspx Regards Click Studios
  8. Hi Greg, More than likely we will be releasing another update today (9892), which might also help if there are intemittant communications issues back to the Passwordstate API. Regards Click Studios
  9. Hello J24, We've integrate a third party java solution for our Browser Based Remote Session Gateway. We've logged a support ticket with them in the past, and they said that the browser spec does not support authentication when accounts are in the Protected Users group - this is a limitation in the browser spec. Our kerberos support works just fine, but Protected Users is a current limitation. Is FreeRDP browser based, or a fat client? If Protected Users group is a requirement, you can still use our Client Based Launcher, and this will work just fine for you. Regards Click Studios
  10. Hi Greg, We think we've been able to replicate this, with the steps below. Login to extension Wait for worker to go inactive (approx 30 seconds) Stop Passwordstate Apps application pool in IIS - this is what the extension communicates to Visit a web site that would normally form fill - and it doesn't Start Application pool in IIS Go to Preference screen in Extension, and there is no saved preferences data in there So the issue here is when the worker thread in the extension wakes up, the API in Passwordstate needs to be available. We're investigating now to see if we can recover from that state. Do you have the Microsoft Monitoring Agent installed on your Web Server? We see this quite often stops our Application Pools in IIS? Regards Click Studios
  11. Hi Greg, We've had a couple of other reports of this, primarily related to user sessions within Citrix/VMWare environments. Is this the case for you, or are you just using the extensions on your desktop/laptop? With manifest V3, Google force worker threads to shutdown after a period, and our extension needs to waken them up when any action needs to be performed. So we think this might be the issue your facing, where it's not waking up properly - although we can't reproduce it ourselves yet to confirm this. Can you provide a bit more detail about how you are seeing this fail i.e. Does it happen when you open a new tab and browser to a site? Use the icon overlay to pick the account to form fill? somehow else? Thanks Click Studios
  12. If Passwordstate User Interface experiences any unusual issuer or errors, it can log them in the Error Console. If the Passwordstate Windows Service experiences any errors, then it can log them in the Event logs on the Passwordstate webserver. This guide explains how to quickly clear these errors, in the event Click Studios support ask you to gather the latest errors from your system. Clearing the Error Console: Log into Passwordstate, go to Administration -> Error Console and click the Purge Error Data button: Clearing the Application Event Logs: Remote into your Passwordstate webserver, and clear the Application Event logs as per this screenshot below. Gather new error messages: The easiest way to collect any error messages, is to download and run the Server Info script on your webserver, which is explained in this forum post: https://forums.clickstudios.com.au/topic/2518-passwordstate-support-information-script/ Regards, Support
  13. Hi Greg, You are using a compatible version of Passwordstate with the extension, and there are no other requirements. We've just tested form-filling in Edge, and it appears to be working for us okay. We've had a couple of issues with customers logging into the Extension, and this is caused by them using a non-trusted SSL Certificate, and we're looking into that at the moment. Can you authenticate okay into the Extension with your Master Password? Are you using a trusted certificate in your browser? Regards Click Studios
  14. Hello Everyone, Today we have released build 9890. For full details, please refer to our changelog here https://www.clickstudios.com.au/passwordstate-changelog.aspx Regards Click Studios
  15. Quite often certain components of a server won't work due to having a pending reboot required from Windows patches. This Powershell script below can help you determine if your server is in a pending reboot state. Open Powershell ISE on your Passwordstate webserver and copy and paste the following code and check the results. Kudos to the https://thesysadminchannel.com website for the code: Copy All Code below this line: Function Get-PendingRebootStatus { <# .Synopsis This will check to see if a server or computer has a reboot pending. For updated help and examples refer to -Online version. .NOTES Name: Get-PendingRebootStatus Author: theSysadminChannel Version: 1.0 DateCreated: 2018-Jun-6 .LINK https://thesysadminchannel.com/remotely-check-pending-reboot-status-powershell - .PARAMETER ComputerName By default it will check the local computer. .EXAMPLE Get-PendingRebootStatus -ComputerName PAC-DC01, PAC-WIN1001 Description: Check the computers PAC-DC01 and PAC-WIN1001 if there are any pending reboots. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0 )] [string[]] $ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME ) BEGIN {} PROCESS { Foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) { Try { $PendingReboot = $false $HKLM = [UInt32] "0x80000002" $WMI_Reg = [WMIClass] "\\$Computer\root\default:StdRegProv" if ($WMI_Reg) { if (($WMI_Reg.EnumKey($HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\")).sNames -contains 'RebootPending') {$PendingReboot = $true} if (($WMI_Reg.EnumKey($HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\")).sNames -contains 'RebootRequired') {$PendingReboot = $true} #Checking for SCCM namespace $SCCM_Namespace = Get-WmiObject -Namespace ROOT\CCM\ClientSDK -List -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction Ignore if ($SCCM_Namespace) { if (([WmiClass]"\\$Computer\ROOT\CCM\ClientSDK:CCM_ClientUtilities").DetermineIfRebootPending().RebootPending -eq $true) {$PendingReboot = $true} } if ($PendingReboot -eq $true) { [PSCustomObject]@{ ComputerName = $Computer.ToUpper() PendingReboot = $true } } else { [PSCustomObject]@{ ComputerName = $Computer.ToUpper() PendingReboot = $false } } } } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message } finally { #Clearing Variables $WMI_Reg = $null $SCCM_Namespace = $null } } } END {} } Get-PendingRebootStatus -ComputerName $env:ComputerName
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