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2Factor Administrator Account Lost


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on switching from "old" GoogleAuthenticator App to a new (Phone Change), the Administrator Account lose his 2Factors.

So know i have "normal" user with 2Factors Authentication and need to recovery the Administrator 2Factors.


The Website is crashed after reset token and get the new QRCode. After this no new login is possible.


How can i recover my Admin Account?




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Hi rrnetz,


In this scenario, you will need to log in with your emergency account and clear the QR code under Administration -> User Accounts.  Simply open the account, and you see a "clear" button under the authentication options tab, in the Google section.  Then the next time you log in with that account it will present you with a new QR code, and you'll be able to gain access back to the system.


If you have forgotten your emergency password, we can help you recover it but you have to email us directly to our support address.  Information about how to use emergency and how we can help you recover it can be found in this forum post:  https://www.clickstudios.com.au/community/index.php?/topic/1887-recover-emergency-access-password/






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