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Allow drag-and-drop to external windows

Michael Tughan

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I currently use 1Password as a personal password manager, and it has the ability to drag-and-drop passwords or other details in external apps, outside of browsers. I would love it PasswordState could do the same. See https://support.1password.com/1password-mini-windows/#fill-details-in-apps for a description of how it works.


The usual use case for me is logging into a server using SSH. To authenticate to the server, which is tied to our Active Directory domain, I need to enter my the password for a separate admin account, which has a different password from my normal account. I keep this password in my password manager and use drag-and-drop to fill it in as required.

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Hi Michael,


Thanks for your request, but as far as we know, it's not possible to drag-and-drop objects from a browser into an external application. With the link you provided for us for 1Password, this seems to be dragging from the 1Password application, and not from a browser - at least that is what it looks like to us.

Have you considered our Remote Session Launchers? With this, you can be performing RDP and SSH sessions without having to manually authenticate. You can find more details of that here - https://www.clickstudios.com.au/about/remote-session-logins.aspx

And for web sites, we have our browser extensions similar to LastPass and 1Password - https://www.clickstudios.com.au/about/browser-extension.aspx


We hope this helps.


Click Studios

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The remote sessions launchers look interesting, but there is one other use case that I don't see covered in that document: if the password is needed after the fact (usually for sudo to gain elevated/root permissions), can the launcher take care of that too? Or does it only take care of the initial login to the server and becomes hands-off after that?

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