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Duo Auth for password portal throwing errors


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I'm attempting to use Duo authentication for the password portal- I have entered the Duo Security Two-Factor information on the System Settings page, but the portal is throwing this error whenever I attempt to reset a password through the portal using Duo auth:


12/10/2020 8:33:30 AM Password Reset Portal Error Error Code = The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error., StackTrace = at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest request) at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address) at SelfService.APIWrapper.ProxyBaseWrapper.Execute[T](String urlSegment) in C:\inetpub\PasswordstateResetPortal\APIWrapper\ProxyBaseWrapper.cs:line 128 at PasswordReset.Controllers.ProxyPasswordReset.GetDuoPushDevices(String Username) in C:\inetpub\PasswordstateResetPortal\APIWrapper\ProxyPasswordReset.cs:line 219 at PasswordReset.Controllers.AccountController.RedirectByVerificationMethod(Int32 verificationMethod, ResetModel model) in C:\inetpub\PasswordstateResetPortal\PasswordstateReset\Controllers\AccountController.cs:line 959
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Hello jmicks,


When using the Password Reset Portal, you need to specify your DUO settings on the Verification Policy itself - the System Settings screen is for authentication into Passwordstate.

Please have a look at the Verification Policy on the screen Administration -> Password Reset Portal Administration -> Verification Policies.


Click Studios

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Filled in the Duo settings on the verification policy for Reset Portal- however, I'm still getting this error:


Error Code = The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error., StackTrace = at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest request) at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address) at SelfService.APIWrapper.ProxyBaseWrapper.Execute[T](String urlSegment) in C:\inetpub\PasswordstateResetPortal\APIWrapper\ProxyBaseWrapper.cs:line 128 at PasswordReset.Controllers.ProxyPasswordReset.GetDuoPushDevices(String Username) in C:\inetpub\PasswordstateResetPortal\APIWrapper\ProxyPasswordReset.cs:line 219 at PasswordReset.Controllers.AccountController.RedirectByVerificationMethod(Int32 verificationMethod, ResetModel model) in C:\inetpub\PasswordstateResetPortal\PasswordstateReset\Controllers\AccountController.cs:line 959

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