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Make Name (Title/Hostname) of Host in PasswordList configurable


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Hi @support,


is it possible to make the Display Name of the hostname in a password list configurable? 

I mean, if you have specified an IP address for the host name and the title of the host contains the name to be displayed in the host overview, the password list still displays the IP address instead of the title. Could this be made configurable via a setting, whether you want to take the hostname or the title to be displayed for the host in password lists?
We have many customer systems (Windows) that do not belong to a domain and do not have a DNS entry, so we have to store the systems with the IP address to make remote connection through passwordstate possible. In the password lists we would like to have the assignment to the name (display) instead of the IP address (as it is also displayed in the host overview). Here are two screenshots).

Alternatively, you could also integrate a mouseover, if you move the mouse over the host in a password list, the title of the host could be displayed here.

Passwordlist View:


Hosts View:



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