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Passwordstate Required SQL Permissions


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In order for Passwordstate to function with any of the supported versions of Microsoft's SQL Server, your SQL Server must be configured with Mixed Mode Authentication - Passwordstate relies on SQL Accounts for database connectivity, and Windows accounts cannot be used for this purpose.

During the initial setup of Passwordstate when you are asked to specify a SQL Account to create the database, the SQL Account must have the following privileges:


At a minimum the SQL Account must have the "dbcreator" and "securityadmin" SQL Server roles - dbcreator to create the database/tables, and securityadmin to create an SQL Account called 'passwordstate_user' which is used so the Passwordstate web site can connect to the SQL Server. The sa account has these privileges, although some DBA's do not like to use this account due to its elevated privileges.


Please note the SQL account you specify during the initial install of Passwordstate is not recorded, or used again anywhere in your Passwordstate instance.  It is a once off request to set up Passwordstate, and is never used again.



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