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Self Destruct color scheme/background image settings not saving or being applied


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Recently upgraded to version 9. During the upgrade all of our custom logos / colors were reverted back to the default settings. I was able to reapply our changes with no issues in all areas other then the self destruct settings. If I change the color it will save but is not applied to the site. If I change the background image it is not saved nor is it applied to the site. The site shows no background image at all and the default blue color regardless of selection. We are using the primary server for self struct messages rather than an application server. Any ideas?

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Hello KC_BREC,


During the upgrade to version 9, the only branding we have changed is the page background color to white - we did not modify the logo, or base colors in any way.

With the self destruct site issue, the embedded site appears to be working fine for us, but we do see an issue when being used with the new App Server - which we've logged to look into.


Can you open up the develop tools in your browser, and see if there are any JavaScript errors being reported in the error console when accessing the Self Destruct site?


Click Studios

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No errors appear in the developer console for the administrative interface. We are not using the app server to host the self destruct services but using the primary server. On the self destruct  page we are getting 403 errors for everything in the {domain}/selfdestruct/Content/assets folder. We upgraded from V8.9 Build 8993 where it was working just fine.



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Hello KC_BREC,


Do you see any files in that assets folders - the subfolders? If you browse to https://yoururl/selfdestruct/content/assets/images/logo.png - it should show you the default logo - does it?

Could you try doing a manual upgrade again, which simply replaces all files - follow section '5. Manual Upgrade Instructions' to replace all the files a second time -  https://www.clickstudios.com.au/downloads/version9/Upgrade_Instructions.pdf 


Click Studios

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All files are present in the asset directories. IIS is issuing a 403 (access denied) to all files in this directory tree when they are trying to be loaded from the self destruct page. Same results after manual upgrade.

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