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After Upgrade to v9, no backups can be performed

D. Höfer

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Hello everyone,


i found an issue with the current v9 - which also the upgrade to 9073 couldnt resolve for us.


since 4 March 2021, after upgrading to v9 from v8, no automatic backups where performed, also manual backup cant be performed either. following errors are shown: 



We are not able to select a user for performing the tasks:




After click on OK, the window closes and nothing happens.


Any workaround?


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Hello D. Hofer,

On your second screenshot above, there is a tab called 'Instructions'. Can you please follow the appropriate instructions here to configure this feature with the correct settings/permissions.

Thanks very much.


Click Studios

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After working through the instructions doc, we kinda have it working, but still get an error. the backup files will be created, but the job still exits with this error:


test permissions:



run backupjob:




The files created:




Our path settings (we also tried to save it in two folder separated "web" and "db", didnt change anything.)




//EDIT: FYI, for test purpose we changed the folder permission to EVERYONE full access, which did not solve the error message.

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