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After Upgrading to Passwordstate 9 - Can no longer paste into notes field in Password Record


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When trying to paste into the notes field in a Password Record, right clicking and Pasting does nothin, and neither does Control + V.



We've had a few reports of this issue when upgrading to Passwordstate 9, from Passwordstate 8 or below, and upgrading to the latest build has fixed the issue.  The best way to upgrade is via a manual upgrade which will replace all files on disk and it will also clear the IIS cache.


To upgrade, please first take a backup using the Administration -> Backups and Upgrades -> Backup Now.


Then, perform an upgrade by following Section 3 of this Upgrade Document: https://www.clickstudios.com.au/downloads/version9/Upgrade_Instructions.pdf 




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For anyone else reading this, we can only presume there is some sort of caching happening in IIS which is causing this.

Phil above has just replaced all the files a second time with his Manual Upgrade, and it's resolved it, so it seems to us to be a caching issue.


Click Studios

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Hi Lennart,


Did you read the thread above?  This can be fixed by performing a manual upgrade.  I've created a new forum post on this to try to explain in a bit more detail with links to do a manual upgrade, and if you can follow that, this will fix the issue.






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Ive read it now and Im planning to perform this upgrade today after business hours but Im still having a problem with the specifications of the account that I have to have configured for the backups to run.


From what I understand I have to have a setting called "Enable Password Resets" which I found in my passwordlist but its greyed out...


Can you please help with this?




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