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Upgrade to v9 details to Self Destruct Message part


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We are planning upgrade from v8.9 (8993) to v9.1 (9100). For tests we set a clean v9.1 (9100) trial install.

Needs to know more about changes about Self Destruct Message Site part. 
Currently Self Destruct Site is installed separately, with Self Destruct installer and set to use custom domain name (e.g. https://custom.domain.name).

We plan use "3 In-Place Upgrade Instructions with Internet Connectivity" described in manual.


Few questions:
1. Upgrade will automatically remove the installed Self Destruct Site?
2. After upgrade for keeping custom domain for Self Destruct Site we need to install Application Server and set the same domain name (9 Self-Destruct Message Web Site Upgrade Instructions) described in manual.?
3. After upgrade all Self Destruct Messages that was still valid on V8 will be removed?
4. On test V9 version we can see the access link on sent emails for view Self Destruct Messages is now https://custom.domain.name/selfdestruct (using same custom domain on Application Server). Can be used without /selfdestruct on appserver like on V8 setup? 

5. On test V9 version when going to Self Destruct Messages root domain link  https://custom.domain.name/ (using same custom domain on Application Server) it redirects to an error page https://custom.domain.name/error/404.html , this is normal?


Thank you

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Hello SZU,


Please see answers below in Red.


1. Upgrade will automatically remove the installed Self Destruct Site? No - this need to be reinstalled
2. After upgrade for keeping custom domain for Self Destruct Site we need to install Application Server and set the same domain name (9 Self-Destruct Message Web Site Upgrade Instructions) described in manual.? Yes. But in a new release later today, we are re-introducing the same sort of Self Destruct feature, which means you do not need to install the new App Server if you do not want to. And all data with this version will be Push/Pulled from your Passwordstate web server.
3. After upgrade all Self Destruct Messages that was still valid on V8 will be removed? That is correct.
4. On test V9 version we can see the access link on sent emails for view Self Destruct Messages is now https://custom.domain.name/selfdestruct (using same custom domain on Application Server). Can be used without /selfdestruct on appserver like on V8 setup? Not with the App Server, but please see my comment above about the release later today

5. On test V9 version when going to Self Destruct Messages root domain link  https://custom.domain.name/ (using same custom domain on Application Server) it redirects to an error page https://custom.domain.name/error/404.html , this is normal? Yes it is. But in the next release, we are now changing this page to a 200 - Status Okay.


With the updated Push/Pull version of Self Destruct, we will provide instructions for future upgrades so it can be upgraded, instead of re-installed.



Click Studios

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Hi Michal,


Yes, it's available in build 9112 or higher. What build are you currently running, as the button for downlading this installer is working for us?

The installer is also located in the /downloads folder within your Passwordstate folder - it's called PasswordstateSelfDestruct.exe.


Click Studios

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