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Customizing the Passwords Grid Layout


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You can resize and move columns around on your Password Lists to your liking.


How Do I Do This?

Simply drag and drop a column, or use the slider to adjust the width of the rows


Example 1:  

Click on a Password List, and hover over the Password Header.  Drag this header to the left


Screenshot 1 - Initial column layout:



Screenshot 2 - Final column layout:




Example 2:

Resize the columns of a Password List by using the slider. Make the slider active by placing it on the lines which separate the two columns/


Screenshot 1 - Initial columns widths:



Screenshot 2 - Final column widths:



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  • 1 year later...

I am currently running PasswordState V7.6 (Build 7646) - and the resizing on passwordlists doesn't appear to be working.


The resizing of column on the Password Home work, but if I try to resize any of the actual PasswordLists (private or shared) I can hover-over the column and drag it to make it bigger/smaller but it does nothing.  I am able to move columns around, but not resize them.


Is this a known issue?  Or is there a system setting I possible missconfigured?


Any insight would be appreciated.

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Hi SGauvin,


We've just tested this, and we can seem to resize columns okay - you do not to select the Save Grid Layout option once you've resized so that it saves, but we can't seem to fault this.

Can you let us know which browser you are using, and when you are trying to resize columns, is the browser reporting any JavaScript errors at all - you will need to bring up the Developer Tools in your browser to see this.


Click Studios

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I've tried this on the following 3 browsers, which all exhibited the same behavior - Chrome (version 52.0.2743.116 m) , Firefox (version 45.3.0)  and Internet Explorer (version 11.0.9600.18426).  I am running a workstation with Windows 7 Enterprise - Service Pack 1.


I've opened the Developer Tools and didn't see anything that alerted me to the problem.


I am able to successfully resize at the Password Home and Folder screen levels, so I don't think it is a JavaScript error otherwise these wouldn't work either..


It is the actual PasswordLists level that won't resize.   Reordering the columns works, it is just the resizing that doesn't work.  I click and hold down the left-mouse button, and while dragging it I get the popup that displays Width: ### pixels.  However when I release the mouse button nothing happens, everything remains unchanged.   There is no need to Save Grid Layout, as nothing changed,


I'm puzzled as to why it would work on Password Home and Folders, but not on the actual PasswordLists.


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Hi SGauvin,


We really aren't sure what might be causing this ourselves at this stage. Can you possibly check the same thing is happening for other users of Passwordstate?  If they don't experience it, could you try logging into a second machine and test it?


We'll try to find out if this is a known issue with the Telerik grids we use, and will report back here if we find anything.



Click Studios

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I got 6 other people to try Resizing, and they are all experiencing the same issue.


In your testing facilities, do you have the ability to replicate our configuration? 


WE have a three PasswordList Templates defined - "Standard Settings", "Production Lists" , and "Enhanced Security". 


Under the User Account Policy we have defined a "Standard Policy" and within it assigned the "Standard Settings"  to the " When creating new Shared Password Lists " and "When creating new Private Password Lists" properties (under the policy_list_options tab).  The Standard Policy gets applied to all users.


When you create a new PasswordList, you must choose from one of these three available PasswordList Templates. 


Looking forward to getting a workable solution for this issue.

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Hi SGauvin,


We may need to organise a remote session to help troubleshoot this, as we really don't know why this is happening for you - I just tested again in a different environment, using IE this time, and can still resize the columns okay. Few more questions before we organise the remote session:

  • Does this happen for all columns, or only certain columns - I'm assuming all?
  • If you start Chrome in incognito mode, does it still happen
  • There is a table in the database called GridSettings. In here we store the state of the grid, when users click the 'Save Grid Layout' option. Do you see any records in here for your account? If you do, can you delete them, then restart your browser and see if it makes any difference? Let me know if you're unsure of how to delete records manually through SQL Server Management Studio, as I can provide some instructions if needed.

Click Studios

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Here are the replies to your questions:

Q: Does this happen for all columns, or only certain columns - I'm assuming all? 

A:  Yes this happens for all columns


Q: If you start Chrome in incognito mode, does it still happen?

A:  Yes this happens in incognito mode too


Q: Does deleting records from GridSettings related to my account help?

A:  There were records in GridSettings and after deleting them and restarting the browser, there was no difference.


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One last thing before we do the remote session. Can you tell us what screen resolution you have, and how many columns are visible in your Password Lists?

To organise the remote session, can you contact us at support @ clickstudios.com.au so we can organise a time.

Click Studios

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for taking so long to respond - was working on a massive production implementation (while also doing a SANS Certification).  Things are slowing down, so I have some cycles to look at lower priority stuff again.


There are 11 columns visible in the PasswordLists, and the screen resolution is 1366 X 768.


If you need anything further, just let me know.

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Hi SGauvin,


I can confirm this is an issue with having this quantity of columns, in combination with such a small screen resolution. When I use a larger resolution, then there are no issues.


I really don't think we can do anything to fix this, because there is simply no space to re-size the columns.


Can you try on a larger resolutions and see if it helps at all - I know this is a bit of a mute point if you have old hardware which cannot do this though.


Click Studios

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I've removed some columns from being displayed (via Screen Options), and then was able to resize columns.   I could have up to 10 columns, which still allowed you to adjust the columns slightly (it appears there is a -default- minimum size that gets applied that prevents a column from being sized smaller than 'X')


This is one step closer to a solution.


There are four columns (actually five, but 'Action' is mandatory) that automatically appear in the Password List: 'Password Last Updated', 'Heartbeat', 'Managed' and 'Tasks'.  These are not listed under 'Screen Options' - is there a way to prevent these from being displayed (either by User or Globally)?


If these can be removed it would allow a user to select more relevant columns.

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Unfortunately you cannot remove these columns - they are important columns when you have configure the Password List so the records in it can perform password resets on remote systems/hosts. If you accidentally enabled this option, then you can edit the settings for the Password List and uncheck it again.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't understand why the displaying of these columns can NOT be controlled by the User.  

If someone choose not to display the columns on a PasswordList, it should not prevent the system from functioning properly. 


Is this something that could be implemented in a future release?

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