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How to set your default home page for when you log in


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When logging into Passwordstate, you can specify which Password List or Folder you would like to start your session from.  


How do I do This?

Under the Preferences Menu -> home page, you have 2 options:


1. Return to the last Password List or Folder I was viewing

2. Return to the Password List or Folder selected below


If you have selection #1 checked, Passwordstate will remember the last Password List you were actively looking at, and point your new session back to that List. As some companies have a mandatory Inactivity Time Out in Passwordstate, this option makes it easy to resume from where you left off.




If you select Option #2, then you can force Passwordstate to start you from the same Password List every time you log in, like Passwords Home for example.






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  • 3 years later...



Yes, this article is definitely old now. You can no longer select an option for this, and instead you will return to the last selected Node in the tree prior to you logging off Passwordstate.


Click Studios

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  • 4 months later...


Is there any way to be able to get passwordstate to open on a particular node. We are finding that it does not always open on the last node viewed when closing down. It seems to open to a particular random node, always opening on the same one, however would love for this behaviour to make it open on one that I want it to open to.





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Hello Bking,


When you log into Passwordstate, within the Passwords Navigation Tree, it should always return to the last Node selected in the Tree before you logged off of Passwordstate. If this is not what you are seeing, are you able to reproduce this issue consistently? On your Preferences screen, is it possible you have the 'Load On Demand' feature enabled under the 'Passwords' tab.?


Click Studios

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