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Reset Status & Heartbeat Status failing

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Recently our reset status and Heartbeat status wont work, it is configured to change AD accounts password every 2 weeks. When we now try to change the password manually the reset status is queuing but it failes with the error log "Error = Failed to reset the password for the account 'username' in Active Directory domain 'domain name'. It appears you do not have the Active Directory module for Powershell installed on your server. See Privileged Account Management under Help Menu for more information.


On what server is it refering to that do not have AD module installed? This has worked fine up until we a feew weeks ago. Even the Heartbeat status is failing. I looked under the Privileged account management and the account we are using seems fine.


Im at a dead end so I am hoping someone has a idea where to look or what to do.



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Hello Daniel,


This PowerShell module is required to be installed on your Passwordstate web server, so we can only presume someone has now uninstalled it. Below are the instructions for this, and please restart the Passwordstate Windows Service after making this change.

Open PowerShell as Admin, and run the command:


Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell


Click Studios

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Thanks for the answer, that was my idea also. But has the Active Directory module always had to been installed on the web server for the Reset Password and Heartbeat Status to work? Cant wrap my head around it that one of ous would have uninstalled the AD feature.  

Imrecently got involved in Passwordstate so Im very new to it so I have to ask :)


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