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Reset Portal Session Lockout


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I recently upgraded the reset portal to v9300.  Seemed to be OK, but now its giving me a Session Lockout page straight away when I go to the homepage.




Had a quick search on here, and didn't find anything similar (I was searching for SessionLockout).


Has anyone come across this before?

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Can you please check if there is an IP Address blocked on the following screen on my first screenshot below?


More than likely it will be the IP address of one of your network devices, instead of the client machine. So as per screenshot 2 below, you will need to configure your network device, and Passwordstate, for X-Forwarded Support, so the correct IP Address is detected.






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I had chance to talk to our network admin and he is suggesting that he can't do it because we have the site running under SSL, therefore its encrypted so there is no visibility to the web traffic.


Neither of us have seen this before, is there a workaround or guides that can assist with this?

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All load balancers should be able to be configured for X-Forwarded Support. We would recommend logging a support call with your Load Balancing vendor, and ask how this can be done.

There currently is no way to disable this feature, for security reasons - typically customers install this module in their DMZ, so you do need to protect against these failed login attempts. If you go to the screen Administration -> Password Reset Portal Administration -> System Settings -> Miscellanous tab, you can increase this lockout value though.


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