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User Report - Passwords last accessed versus updated


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This tip shows you how to run a custom report which displays a list of passwords a specific user has access to, and whether they have viewed the password since it was last updated.



You have a disgruntled employee who is now no longer with your company.  Even though this employee no longer has access to your network, you want to reset any password records that he or she has accessed since the last time the record was updated.  


How do I do This?


As a Passwordstate Security Administrator, click Administration -> Users, and select the Actions menu on the user in question.  The click Report - Last Accessed vs Updated




In this instance, we want to see all records the user has access to, so choose Or all password records the user has access to and click Run Report




Save the report to somewhere local, and open it in Excel.  You will now see a list of all records the user has access to, but the most import column is Reset Recommended.  If this column has a value of TRUE, this means the user has accessed this record, after it was last changed.  It would be recommended in this instance to change the password again.




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