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Using Local Host binding for testing purposes


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Some functionality may not be working in Passwordstate, and to rule out an issue with your production HTTPS Binding, you need to bypass it.



Open IIS on your Passwordstate webserver, and create a new HTTPS binding called "localhost".  Set the Port to 443 and assign any certificate you have available to this new binding:



Whilst still logged into your web server, open your browser and brose to https://localhost. You may receive a warning from the browser that the certificate is not trusted.  Click the Advanced button and then Proceed to the website:



Temporarily change the Base URL under Administration -> System Settings Miscellaneous to be https://localhost.  You should now be able to log into your Passwordstate website with your normal credentials.  Please perform the appropriate test as directed via Click Studios support and report back results.


Once the test is complete, don't forget to change your Base URL back to the correct URL.






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