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Is there a superuser or root user?

Alex VanderWoude

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At our site we'd like to make different sections of the company have different folders and sub-folders that they administer themselves.  However, as you might expect, our internal IT support wants to always have admin access on everything.  After all, if something goes wrong, who's going to be called?  Now in v9 we can certainly assign anybody we like to be admins of sub-folders, so that takes care of the first requirement.  The danger is that those people could then remove the IT security group from their sub-folder's privileges.  They probably wouldn't, and we'd tell them not to do that, but the system would not prevent that from happening.


Is there a concept of a root user or a superuser in Passwordstate?  Some one (or someones) who have total access to everything and cannot be excluded?  (Other than viewing private password lists, of course.)  I had thought that maybe Security Administrators were such users, but that does not seem to be the intent of those.


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Hello Akex,


The only account similiar to this is our Emergency Access login, and you can find the password for this in the Administration area. 

There are certain restricted features for this as well, but we can assist unlocking them if required, on the screen Administration -> Feature Access -> Restricted Features.


Click Studios

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