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Password Resets getting stuck in que


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We're beginning to experience a few of our passwords on a reset schedule getting stuck in the password reset queue. I can force a reset by deleting it from the queue and then choose the "Expire now" option.

Once stuck it will stay stuck and just add more reset tasks to the queue for the same password.



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Hello Simon,


Sorry you're having some issues with this. Could you please log a support ticket here https://www.clickstudios.com.au/support.aspx and provide the following information:

  1. Run the following health script, and provide is the results - https://forums.clickstudios.com.au/topic/2518-passwordstate-support-information-script/
  2. Using the following article, provide data from the ResetTasksQueue table, when there is some data in there not processing - https://www.clickstudios.com.au/documentation/query-data.aspx


Click Studios


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