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Using the Passwordstate Password Retrieval API to only fetch the Password


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Hi All,

I am trying to find a way to use the Password Retrieval API to only fetch the Password for the corresponding entry without fetching/displaying any of the extra information. The point is to use the retrieved password in a script that needs to use the fetched password.

Does anyone have a way/any suggestions on how to achieve this using the API?

Thanks in advance for taking a look at this request.

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 # PowerShell Request
  $PasswordstateUrl = 'https://passwordstate/api/passwords/<PasswordID>'
  Invoke-Restmethod -Method GET -Uri $PasswordstateUrl -Header @{ "APIKey" = "<apikey>" }


By default this will return all data associated with the password record. 

You can do this instead to select only the password.


$GetPassword = Invoke-Restmethod -Method GET -Uri $PasswordstateUrl -Header @{ "APIKey" = "<apikey>" }

$Password = $GetPassword.Password.ToString()


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