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Sarge last won the day on June 26

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  1. Request/Bug: When sorting a column within the Password Grid, where that column contains incrementing numerical values; the sort is not a true ascending/descending sort. As an example, a custom field with the name "ID" which is a text field, we have multiple records. The records sort in the following order, 217, 218, 219, 22, 220, 221.....228, 23, 234, 235 etc.
  2. Request: When uploading attachments/documents to a password and then sharing said password/documents via a permalink, the user is automatically presented with the view/edit password screen upon following the permalink. It would be great if that same screen could have a tab of attached documents or a link somewhere to view attached documents. Additionally being able to share documents attached to passwords via the Self Destruct Portal would also be a great addition.
  3. Requesting an additional option within the Administration tab so that we can see & manage all hosts folders. There's been a couple of occasions where all permissions have been removed from a host folder via the hosts tab; there for effectively losing the ability to fix/delete the folder.
  4. We have the ability to use SSH Templates - Remote Shell or Remote Commands to create custom scripts for Password Resets; but we don't have the ability to use similar SSH Templates for custom validation/heartbeat scripts. This would be a great addition.
  5. You need to log out of Passwordstate. Just closing the browser won't do it.
  6. Hi There, Has anyone tried to use a newer version of ODAC than what the documentation says? Passwordstate Privileged Account Management Manual (clickstudios.com.au) section 21, points to ODAC122cR1 which was released in May 31, 2017. Can anyone confirm if a newer version works/is supported from here: Oracle .NET, Visual Studio, and VS Code ODAC Downloads for Oracle Database
  7. +1 In our instance we have about 1000 passwords we'd like to reset on the same day. Currently you can only schedule X days or X months - which means over time 'drift' occurs. Being able to say reset on the 1st of every month, would stop the drift from occurring; along with an option to 'reset on the next scheduled reset' in the event of a failed reset. (IE: Rather than try again the following day, wait until the next schedule occurs).
  8. +1 For change control, we have to document everything within the administration tab. Currently we have a custom spreadsheet with screenshots of every setting (and their sub settings such as permissions applied to list templates!) massive time sink. A way to compile this information either by report or API calls or database queries would be amazing.
  9. +1 Need this. Also a way to manage host folders from administration tab.
  10. +1; but this probably makes more sense as both a password list template option and user account policy option.
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