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Browser plugin - minimum requirements listing?

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Hey there,


The autofill function of my browser plugin stopped working in Edge a few days ago. My suspicion is that the version of my browser plugin now exceeds the minimum version of PasswordState it needs... but I can't find any documentation to verify that. Is there a minimum requirements listing for the Edge plugin somewhere? I don't see anything on the Edge plugin page itself.


My current versions are:


PasswordState server: V9.8 (Build 9858)  

Edge plugin:



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Hi Greg,


You are using a compatible version of Passwordstate with the extension, and there are no other requirements.


We've just tested form-filling in Edge, and it appears to be working for us okay. We've had a couple of issues with customers logging into the Extension, and this is caused by them using a non-trusted SSL Certificate, and we're looking into that at the moment.


Can you authenticate okay into the Extension with your Master Password? Are you using a trusted certificate in your browser?


Click Studios

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Hey, thanks for getting back to me!


I'm not having any issues logging in to the extension... master password lets me right in. And we are using a trusted cert on our PasswordState server.

Tomorrow I'll try uninstalling the Edge extension and re-installing it, we'll see if that makes a difference.

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I've been meaning to come back and update since last week... doing the disable/re-enable of the plugin does seem to fix the autofill issue for a short period of time, but then it goes back to being unable to look anything up again. The issue has spread to a couple co-workers as well, so it's not just my computer. 


I'm going to set up a freshly installed, non-domain computer and test with that to see if it's something with the policies in our internal environment. I'll also see about getting our internal IT team to upgrade the PasswordState server to the latest version just in case.



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Hi Greg,

We've had a couple of other reports of this, primarily related to user sessions within Citrix/VMWare environments.

Is this the case for you, or are you just using the extensions on your desktop/laptop?

With manifest V3, Google force worker threads to shutdown after a period, and our extension needs to waken them up when any action needs to be performed. So we think this might be the issue your facing, where it's not waking up properly - although we can't reproduce it ourselves yet to confirm this.

Can you provide a bit more detail about how you are seeing this fail i.e.


  • Does it happen when you open a new tab and browser to a site?
  • Use the icon overlay to pick the account to form fill?
  • somehow else?



Click Studios

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Hi Greg,

We think we've been able to replicate this, with the steps below.

  • Login to extension
  • Wait for worker to go inactive (approx 30 seconds)
  • Stop Passwordstate Apps application pool in IIS - this is what the extension communicates to
  • Visit a web site that would normally form fill - and it doesn't
  • Start Application pool in IIS
  • Go to Preference screen in Extension, and there is no saved preferences data in there

So the issue here is when the worker thread in the extension wakes up, the API in Passwordstate needs to be available.


We're investigating now to see if we can recover from that state.

Do you have the Microsoft Monitoring Agent installed on your Web Server? We see this quite often stops our Application Pools in IIS?

Click Studios



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Hey, thanks for looking into this for me! Looking at your questions above, I realize I've been using the term 'autofill' incorrectly... I always have the auto-fill functionality disabled in the plugin preferences. What I've actually been talking about is using the plugin button up on the toolbar to pick a matching entry and then fill the login details on the webpage.


When it's working after a disabe/re-enable, the "Show Matching Logins" will have one or more entries in it and the plugin button on the toolbar will have the number of matching entries in the little red overlay.


When it stops working, I still get the red overlay on the toolbar button, but "Show Matching Logins" doesn't show up in the menu when I click the button.


Hope that explains my usage better.


I don't have direct access to the server where PasswordState is running in IIS, but I can say that we're definitely not using Microsoft Monitoring Agent or SCOM.

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Hi, quick update - the browser plugin has been working pretty consistently for the past couple of days. I'm not totally sure what (if anything) has changed in our environment; I do see I'm on Build 9891 now, one newer than when I started this thread, so maybe that's it. 


Too soon to say that everything is definitely working again, but certainly it's better than it was a couple weeks ago.



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Hi Greg,


More than likely we will be releasing another update today (9892), which might also help if there are intemittant communications issues back to the Passwordstate API.


Click Studios

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