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GregSmid last won the day on December 11 2020

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  1. Your issue does sound remarkably similar to what we were seeing. The issues seems to have magically gone away on our side, sometime in the past few days. Not sure what (if anything) changed.
  2. Hi, quick update - the browser plugin has been working pretty consistently for the past couple of days. I'm not totally sure what (if anything) has changed in our environment; I do see I'm on Build 9891 now, one newer than when I started this thread, so maybe that's it. Too soon to say that everything is definitely working again, but certainly it's better than it was a couple weeks ago. Greg
  3. Hey, thanks for looking into this for me! Looking at your questions above, I realize I've been using the term 'autofill' incorrectly... I always have the auto-fill functionality disabled in the plugin preferences. What I've actually been talking about is using the plugin button up on the toolbar to pick a matching entry and then fill the login details on the webpage. When it's working after a disabe/re-enable, the "Show Matching Logins" will have one or more entries in it and the plugin button on the toolbar will have the number of matching entries in the little red overlay. When it stops working, I still get the red overlay on the toolbar button, but "Show Matching Logins" doesn't show up in the menu when I click the button. Hope that explains my usage better. I don't have direct access to the server where PasswordState is running in IIS, but I can say that we're definitely not using Microsoft Monitoring Agent or SCOM.
  4. I've been meaning to come back and update since last week... doing the disable/re-enable of the plugin does seem to fix the autofill issue for a short period of time, but then it goes back to being unable to look anything up again. The issue has spread to a couple co-workers as well, so it's not just my computer. I'm going to set up a freshly installed, non-domain computer and test with that to see if it's something with the policies in our internal environment. I'll also see about getting our internal IT team to upgrade the PasswordState server to the latest version just in case. Greg
  5. Interesting... simply disabling and then re-enabling the extension on the Edge 'manage extensions' page seems to have fixed it. Autofill working again! Greg
  6. Hey, thanks for getting back to me! I'm not having any issues logging in to the extension... master password lets me right in. And we are using a trusted cert on our PasswordState server. Tomorrow I'll try uninstalling the Edge extension and re-installing it, we'll see if that makes a difference.
  7. Hey there, The autofill function of my browser plugin stopped working in Edge a few days ago. My suspicion is that the version of my browser plugin now exceeds the minimum version of PasswordState it needs... but I can't find any documentation to verify that. Is there a minimum requirements listing for the Edge plugin somewhere? I don't see anything on the Edge plugin page itself. My current versions are: PasswordState server: V9.8 (Build 9858) Edge plugin: Thanks!
  8. Hi all, just wondering if anyone is successfully using the PasswordState plugin with the Vivaldi browser. It's Chromium based, so it should work... and in fact the plugin installs fine and even detects when there's a password field on a page with a matching password entry in PasswordState... but the Show Matching Logins entry doesn't populate in the plugin menu. I'm also pretty sure it used to work, but stopped working one day after an update to either Vivaldi or to PasswordState. This was ages ago though, maybe years. I've been meaning to make this post for a while. Screenshot here: https://imgur.com/a/WL4Wigp Greg
  9. Back in version 8.x, hovering your mouse over the URL icon on a password entry would display the URL as a tooltip. It was super handy to be able to quickly see it without having to open up the password! Would love to get that functionality back. ref:
  10. Ah ok, thanks team... glad to hear I'm not just crazy. Any chance the URL tool-tip could make a comeback in a future version? I don't really want to foist a system-wide change on all our users. Happy to start a new thread over in the Feature Request section if it would help. Thanks!
  11. Hi all, was there ever web GUI functionality that would display the URL for a password entry in a little pop-up text field when you hovered your mouse over the URL icon in the password list view? I'm like 97% sure it used to work like that in some previous version. I'm not exactly when it stopped working (if it ever did) but I'm pretty sure it was an update we applied in the last half year or so. I have tested in multiple browsers (Chrome/Firefox/old IE) on multiple different computers.
  12. Hi, I figured it out! The issue was that although I had multiple 'linked' addresses attached to the password entry, I didn't actually have any URL in the main password entry (since it's just my Active Directory creds, there isn't actually a 'main' URL associated with them). I've added a dummy URL on the main password page, and now all the linked URLs are working.
  13. Hi, I've started trying to use the "Link Account to Multiple Web Site URLs" function, but the browser plugin doesn't seem to be detecting the linked sites in either Firefox or Chrome for me. Here are the linked sites for this password entry, including the site I'm testing with for this post (https://prtg.f12.net): But when I browse to the site in either FF or Chrome, the plugin doesn't show any matching sites: I've tried this with several different sites and none of them are being detected by the plugin. Plugin build 8935, PasswordState v8.9 build 8933. Is there another step that I'm missing? Thanks, Greg
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