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Active Directory Integration not available


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we're setup a complete fresh Windows 2012 Server R2 64 bit from scratch, joined the domain, installed updates and rebooted, installed all requirements, configured SQLExpress and followed your install instructions manual. We selected AD Integration in the setup process and created an local user account (domain/administrator, so real domain account exist) . Afterwards we got some issues:


- Login with the create local user account only possible when we enable Anonymous Authentication in the ISS or the website 

- After configuring the Active Directory, creating the privileged user and added the credentials in PWState I still miss the option to "Add User from AD"


Did I miss anything? Why is Passwordstate not showing the option to Add users form AD, privileged account test is successfully, so AD access is possible.


Many thanks for your support in advanced, Sven

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Hi Sven,


Sorry you've having some issues with the install. We can't be sure, but it does sound like you have installed the forms based version of Passwordstate, and not the AD Integrated version - this is the only condition where the 'Add User from AD' button is hidden. To fix this, I think we need to reset the install and start again. Can you do the following for me:

I hope this helps, and please let us know if you have any further issues.

Click Studios

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