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ScreenConnect/Control Integration


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Hi Jeff,


At this stage there are no plans, but could you please let us know what integration you are referring to. We watched your video from a few months ago about Passportal integration with Connectwise, and it did look like a rather complicated setup just to get the equivalent of our Permalink functionality. Is this the type of integration you are after?



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Thanks for confirming Jeff.


Is there a manual for this remote session client that we could take a look at? There are a couple of ways this could be possibly be done:

  • If the client takes command line parameters for Host name, Username and Password, etc
  • Or if we could possibly "attach" to the client Window and form-fill these values into the client


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Hi Sam,


As we've discussed, we have not said we will not integrate with Connectwise. As per all feature requests, we have to prioritize them based on interest from our customers.

Integrating with another solution is not a trivial process, so if there is enough interest from the community we will definitely consider it.


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Hi Sam,


Thanks for the feedback. We generally use our forums to guage interest, instead of emailing our entire customer base - for whom the majority are not MSP's.

We take your point about future customers though.


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  • 3 months later...

Hi Sam,


Sorry if I was not clear - we do have plans, but we are not willing to share them yet.


Our MSP version will also be a different licensing model, and you mentioned in email you are wanting this intergration for free. As full disclosure, we cannot provide this level of integration for free - it takes many weeks/months of development time, and then also support. Just thought we should let you know.


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