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Error on upgrade

Guest Preston Taylor

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Guest Preston Taylor

I am attempting to upgrade password state to Version 8 but am getting an error stating the sp_rename stored proc could not be found.


Here is the log entry.

Build Process 'Build_8000_Updates' failed with the following error - Could+not+find+stored+procedure+%27sp_RENAME%27. ::: +++at+Passwordstate.Upgrade.Build_8000_Updates()


I am stuck in the middle of the upgrade with an unusable system, please help, thank you.


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This is my post. Not sure how to convert it from a guest post.


Some more detail, I have double checked that sp_rename is a usable stored proc for this user, the user is a db_owner on the password state database.


I am using Sql server 2016

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I opened up the culprit schema_updates_build_8000_part1.sql file and put sp_RENAME into lower case sp_rename and the error has went away.

However; now I have another error

Build Process 'Build_8000_Updates' failed with the following error - Column+names+in+each+table+must+be+unique.+Column+name+%27NextAgentSchedule%27+in+table+%27dbo.Passwords%27+is+specified+more+than+once. ::: +++at+Passwordstate.Upgrade.Build_8000_Updates()

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Hi P_Tone,


Thanks for reporting this issue, and we believe you must have your SQL Server configured for case sensitivity - which is not a default setting. We will change this in the next release, so no other customers run into this problem.

The second issue would be caused because of the first failure, and you will need to restore a backup of your database, taken just prior to the upgrade attempt. Please let us know if you do not have a backup, as we will need to figure out what database schema's to manually remove.


Click Studios

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