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Connect to existing DB


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When updating from release 8065 to 8091 the install removes the current to install the new.  When installed, we run through the setup but there is no option to connect to an existing database.  I can imagine that I must be missing something as this makes little sense.  I do not see the option during the installation or the documentation.  Can you point me in the right direction?

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Hi briank,


When we perform upgrades, we simply overwrite all existing files, except the web.config file - which has information in it regarding which database to connect to. The passwordstate_upgrade.zip file does not contain a copy of the web.config file, so it's not possible for us to overwrite it.

Did you somehow overwrite the web.confing file yourself, as this is the only way we can see that you would be presented with the 'Setup' wizard again? If you have done this somehow, do you have a copy of your web.config file from before, as we would need to replace the one in the Passwordstate folder with this backed up file - there is also other settings in this file which is needed.


Let me know if I've misunderstood, and if you have a backup of your web.config file or not.


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