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Fallback AD and SAML2 authentication


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Hi from Germany,


currently we are implementing the Passwortstate V8.0 (Build 8097) Enterprise Version.


How ist it possible to login if the AD is not available?

Is there any possibility?


We are using ADFS with SAML 2 authentication. If ADFS is not available, how can we login?


Thank you,

best regards


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Hi schuckie,


In the unlikely event your AD is not available, and we've never had this reported to us before as being issue, then you can login to Passwordstate using your Emergency Access login and change the authentication option, or export all your shared Passwords to a password protected zip file. The Emergency Access login feature can be accessed by appending /emergency to your standard URL.


We hope this helps, and please let us know if you have any further questions about this.



Click Studios

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