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SAML SSO not working

Guest Rik

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We're just implementing Passwordstate and wanting to use with Azure AD SAML SSO.

It's working as specified when we follow this guide : 


However we would like to just browse to passwordstate.<domain>.com and access it this way - which currently doesn't work. A SAML trace shows the redirect to Azure AD target URL, but in the request there is no actual SAML data in the query string (e.g. ?SAMLRequest=xxxxxx)


Any ideas?

Using Build 8.1 8136 


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Hi Rik,

With the SAML integration, there is not meant to be anything in the querystring when we redirect from the Passwordstate web site to the SAML provider. I'm not sure this is the issue though, as we've had another customer have no luck setting up SAML and Azure AD integration - it's seems Azure AD behaves differently to normal SAML providers unfortunately.


Could you contact us via our support page here - https://www.clickstudios.com.au/support.aspx, and send us a screenshot of your SAML settings in Passwordstate - so we can double check them? As mentioned though, we may not be able to get this working with Azure AD, which is really odd as it works fine with ADFS and other providers.


Click Studios

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Guys,


As of Build 8165, we now fully support SAML and Azure AD Authentication. Please refer to the Security Administrators manual in the Help menu for how Azure AD needs to be configured to work. Go to the section System Settings -> Authentication Options tab -> SAML2 Provider Examples.


Click Studios

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