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tree view icons re-request png on hover


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when hovering over any tree view node ie password folders password  lists, hosts, passwordstate administration

 this triggers a http get for the png of the icon - which is already visible, is this by design?


max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
initiator https://hostname/Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=RadScriptManager1_TSM
Passwordstate Build Number : 8065
Chrome Version 61.0.3163.100
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This isn't our code doing this specifically, it is the ASP.NET Controls we are using from www.telerik.com


Is this causing you an issue of some kind? If it is, can you let us know what the issue is and we will log a support call with Telerik.


Click Studios

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Thanks for the feedback, and we prevent caching of all pages on our web site for security reasons i.e. prevent users clicking the Back button in browsers, etc.

If you can give us a little time, we'll see if it is the prevention of caching that's causing it, or something else - and we'll log a support call with Telerik if needed.


Click Studios

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Hello unlimitedresource,

We've figured out it was the preventing of caching of all files causing this, and thankfully it's a relatively easy fix. We'll include this fix in the next release, but you can add it yourself now if you like.


In the web.config file (in the root of the Passwordstate folder), and the following 3 lines near the end of the file, like in the screenshot below.


      <clientCache cacheControlMode="NoControl"/>

Thanks for reporting this issue to us.





Click Studios

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