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manually trigger full ad sync


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Hello unlimitedresource,

Apart from setting the automatic sync to 5 minutes, or manually syncing each individual groups on the Security Groups screen, we don't really have another option for this.


Is it possible to set the schedule to 5 minutes, and wait for it? If you change the schedule, it's best to restart the Passwordstate Windows Service - it will pick up the schedule change itself, but it can take up to 15 minutes.



Click Studios

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Hello unlimitedresource,


Yes, the Passwordstate Windows Service is responsible for a lot of things:

  • Synchronising user's AD accounts and Security Groups
  • Sending Emails
  • Performing Account Discoveries
  • Performing password resets
  • Performing Account heartbeats
  • Removing time-based access to accounts
  • Writing images to disk
  • Performing backups
  • Sending auditing data to Syslog servers
  • Checking for new builds of Passwordstate
  • Removing expired Self-Destruct Messages
  • Sending Scheduled Reports
  • And various other smaller tasks as well


Click Studios

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