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Can't acess pwstate from non domain computers

Guest Mike

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I am new to PWState, and one of my clients has this already set up and gave me admin access to help manage it. My issue is that I can't access to url from my computer, even when I'm on VPN or onsite hard wired in. I keep getting an error saying, "the server IP could not be found."


The only way I can log in, is to RDP into their Domain Controller or another VM, and connect that way. Is there an easy setting I am missing in the admin settings to enable non-domain computers access to the URL?



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Hi Mike,


This sounds like a potential DNS issue.  Can you try doing a nslookup of the https binding and see if it resolves to the Passwordstate web server? example would be nslookup alien.halox.net


If the resolves then potentially it could be a firewall issue.  From your computer, could you try doing a powershell port test similar to this example and see if it is successful or not?


test-netconnection alien.halox.net -port 443






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7 hours ago, support said:

This sounds like a potential DNS issue.





My issue is that I can't access to url from my computer, even when I'm on VPN or onsite hard wired in .


Without trying to sound offensive, here's a few basic questions:

  1. When you are on-site, wired into the network, are you using your own PC/Laptop or are you using your customer's equipment?
  2. I assume that with VPN you are always coming from your own systems, correct?
  3. When using your own system, have you adjusted your network configuration to use the customer's DNS servers? I reckon some VPN software may tackle this for you, but I'm sure that not all does.
  4. Can you perform DNS lookups for any of the customer's other systems? If so, there may be a matter of multiple domains with their own DNS, but without reference information for eachother.

Please verify that your workstation actually uses the DNS servers of your customer to resolve the PasswordState server's address.

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