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Data duplication


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Apologies if Ive just missed this from the documentation


One of our users raised a couple of issues, one being detection of duplicate records.  I didn't think there was any in PS, but wondered if this could be added as a future feature?


Also, when creating password templates, is there a way to reorder the custom fields.  I was in a meeting and we were bashing some ideas around and I found it frustrating that if I needed to re-order fields, I had to manually change the field names and data types rather than just hit an up or down arrow.

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Hi Matt,


Are you asking for a report to show duplicate records, or are you wanting to prevent the adding of duplicate records?


We do have a System Setting option for detecting the addition of duplicate Active Directory accounts, and our Account Discovery jobs will not duplicate records when if finds new accounts, but this is all we have available at the moment.


At this stage it's not possible to re-order the fields on the Add/Edit Password screens, but it is something we want to work on when we get the time - we currently have many outstanding feature requests we're working our way through.


Click Studios

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