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Import incl. hostname?


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It seems the option to import is disabled when password resetting is enabled - fair enough, but when you turn that off and export the CSV template that you're meant to populate with the data to import, hostname isn't a field... How can you import passwords that include a hostname?



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Hi TJ,


When a Password List is enabled for Password Resets, we do not have the functionality currently to specify all the different fields required to configure an account for a reset i.e. Host Name, Reset and Validation Scripts, Privileged Account Credentials, etc, etc.


However, you can do this via the API if you like i.e. loop through the rows in your exported file, and specify all the fields required when adding the record in. You can find the API Documentation under the Help Menu.


Also, and I’m not sure if this would help at all, but if your talking about accounts on Hosts, have you had a look at our Account Discovery Jobs? If this is applicable, this could save you the effort of the import process.


Click Studios

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