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Matching more than two fields in the browser


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Hi Core,


If you're referring to our Browser Extensions, then unfortuantely we only support 2 fields at this stage. If you just want to store additional information in a Password List, you can do this with our Generic Fields - simply edit the properties of the Password List, and click on the 'Customized Fields' tab.



Click Studios

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Yes, sorry I did me the browser plugin.


I have added the custom fields and it is one of these that I want to have automatically propagated into a web form.


We currently use another product at moment and that handles the issue in a nice way.


You are able to right click the page in question and then select 'Fill in login details'.  The plugin scans the page for all form fields regardless of whether they look like a login fields.  Then it puts a transparent overlay on the page with drop downs over the original fields.  Each drop down contains all the available fields from the password record, you select the corresponding fields and once completed you simply save the bindings to the record ready for next time.


This kind of functionality is much more flexible, do you have any plans to implement something similar in your browser plugin?

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The product is called Crypt-O.  I'm sure there are better plugins with for functionality but that's the one we've been using and hence I'm comparing with


A good browser plugin is essential for pain free password management so I'll look forward to the improvements.  Any idea of the time frame?

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Apologies Core, but I couldn't give you a time frame yet as we have over 100 other features requests to work through.  We will also be bundling this feature update in with a a few more upgrades to the browser extensions, so it will be quite a lot of work.


I can certainly email you directly if you like when it's complete, and share any development updates with you?  If you'd like this, please email us at support@clickstudios.com.au and I'll ensure this gets done.




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