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Draging and Dropping Folders

Guest Claudio

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Guest Claudio

I have recently upgraded to the newest version of PWS.


One thing I just noticed is that I cannot drag and drop folders anymore on the left hand side of the screen, it just freezes and hangs looking like it should copy but does not.


Is this a bug in the newest version?

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Hi Claudio,


Sorry you're having issues with this, but we don't think it's a bug as we cannot reproduce it, nor are we receiving any other reports of it.

If you bring up the Developer tools in your browser, is it reporting any JavaScript errors in the Console window? Also, do you have any Browser Extensions installed which might be interfering with this?


Click Studios

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Hello everyone,


For anyone else reading this post, we believe this is happening because Claudio is dropping the node in between Password Lists in the Navigation Tree - if you instead Drop onto the Folder itself, then it works as expected.


Click Studios

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Hi there, attached is a copy of the error.  This used to work when dropping in between password lists. 


I did attempt to move the list into a folder and that did work, but in between lists does not.


Screencap 1 is the error log, screencap 2 is what the page looks like when I try to move the password, it just stays frozen on this screen.



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Hi Claudio,


Today we released build 8284 of Passwordstate, which addresses this issue.  If you get another chance to upgrade, you should be able to drag and drop anywhere in the tree without seeing that ugly error.  


One thing we did want to point out is that as the tree is in alphabetical order, so after you drag and drop the list into a new spot, it will most likely change position in the tree the next time your screen refreshes. ie it will move itself into alphabetical order.


Hope this now works as expected for you and thanks for pointing it out,



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