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Question about Mirroring Passwordstate Server


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we are currently testing Passwordstate in our System. If we decide to use it in the future our plan would be to set up a mirrored Server for our Office in China. 

Does the mirrored server need to have the exact same database or is it possible to only use the Data required in the preffered Location ? 

We dont want to mirror the whole database due to a bunch of Login Credentials only our Main Staff in Germany should have. Even if its possible to rescritct access to these Credentials via Passwordstate we dont feel comfortabel having our critical access data saved on a Server that is located in our China office. 


thanks for taking your time and i hope my Question is understandable




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Hi Findus,


Thanks for your enquiry. With our High Availability options, we support any of the SQL Server Replication technologies for data replication - we do not perform this function ourselves. We believe there is row-level filtering options in SQL Replication, but because of how we reference ID fields across multiple tables, making this 'filtering' work would be very difficult, if not impossible.


We can only suggest to have two separate installs in this case.


Click Studios

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Click Studios Support, 


let´s say we run 2 seperate installs, can these two instances of Passwordstate synchronize between each other ?


So if a host in China gets a new Password assigned after a fixed timespan passed, can Passwordstate pass this change on to the Passwordstate install in Germany. 


thanks and Greetings


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  • 1 month later...

Hi again, 


if we use a third party product like ApexSQL Data Diff to Synchronize the two mySQL servers will Passwordstate be able to function normally or will we encounter any Problems ? 


thanks and Greetings 



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