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Layout for an MSP


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Hi Guys.


I am currently demoing Passwordstate. As we are an MSP, would the best way to layout passwords be as follows:


Customers <folder>

- Customer A <folder>

-- Password List A 

- Customer B <folder>

-- Password List A

-- Password List B




Edit: I should probably add that I want to achieve a layout where my T1 guys have access to basics, T2 another subset, and T3 would have access to core infrastructure etc.




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Hi Hayden,


You're pretty spot on when it comes to the design for MSP's, as this is the sort of structure we see quite frequently. We would recommend using security groups for applying permissions, so that you get the granularity and consistency for different team members i.e. apply appropriate permissions using security groups, and then just manage membership of those security groups.


You could also create a folder 'Template' structure in the Navigation Tree as well - basically a shell structure that you can clone for each new client. If you click on a Folder, you will see options where you can clone it.


We hope this helps.


Click Studios

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