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Scheduled backup zip is empty


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I am experiencing an issue where the scheduled backup zip folder is empty although the size of the file is ~179 MB, and when trying to extract it I get the following error:


The Compressed (zipped) Folder 'folder name' is invalid.


However, there is no issue when doing a manual backup through Passwordstate.

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Sorry you're having some issues with this. This is very unusual behavior, and we've never experience this before.


Can you tell us what build of Passwordstate you're using, and what Zip program - maybe try something like 7-zip to see if that makes any difference?


Click Studios

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Hi, it looks like 7zip was able to extract this archive. Odd - I am not sure why it won't work with the built in tool from windows.


I tried expanding with the powershell cmdlet expand-archive and that seems to be successful as well.

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Hi All

I'm experiencing the same issue.

The ZIP file is not extractable or even browsable with the windows explorer.

When I open the ZIP file with the tool IZArc, it looks like below (two empty folders are in the path).

2018-06-14 19_50_17-IZArc - C__oneday_Passwordstate20180405000026.zip.png

With IZArc I'm able to extract the ZIP file, but then the folder and file stucture is completely messed up.

2018-06-14 19_50_42-Passwordstate20180405000026.png


When I use the Powershell command Expand-Archive (as mentioned above), I can successfully extract all the files with the correct folder structure.


Best regards,


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Hi Guys,


We did notice a small difference between the manual and scheduled backups today, so we've now fixed this and you can open the zip file from both in Windows. It still seems to take a while to open in Windows Explorer, which is really odd, but other zip programs seem to be fine.


We'll have this fix in the next release.


Click Studios

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