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Scheduled Report for instant Auditing Information


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Passwordstate has a number of built in Auditing events which in conjunction with Email Notifications can alert users to certain activities immediately.  Occasionally you may want to filter on which auditing events are sent out, and possibly email this information to a custom email address.  We can achieve this with a scheduled report, and the process below shows you how to set this up:


Step 1: Select Scheduled Reports -> Add Report



Step 2: Select the type of report as Custom Auditing Report, give the report a name, description, CC an email address of your choice, and tick the option to not send an email if the report produces no results.



Step 3: Set the schedule to be One Time and the frequency to as little or as frequent as you like.  I've chosen 5 minutes in this instance




Step 4: Choose the audit settings as per below screenshot, ensuring you choose your Password List, the type of auditing you wish to monitor, the Site Location as Internal, and the Query Previous value should match the Report frequency that you set under the Schedule tab



Now this report will run every 5 minutes, and will only send out an email if a password has been viewed in the Active Directory Accounts Password List.







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