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Remote Session launcher kills all Putty Sessions


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a lot of our Developers are running multiple Putty Sessions at once and are running into the Following issue over and over again. 


We have a VPN connection to one of our Offices in China that is sometimes rather slow and a solution for a stable/faster connection does not seem Possible in the near Future. 

Sometimes when the SSH Session needs longer to establish the Putty window gets killed, that would not be a problem but every other Session on the PC gets also killed which can cause serious issues if you were currently running an installer or something like that. 


Why is every Putty session getting closed and is there a way for us to fix this? 




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Sorry, we're not sure why this would be happening. Possibly in our PowerShell script we look for the 'Putty' application process, so we can attach to it and fill in the password details. I believe this may be the issue.

Possibly consider using our Browser Based Launcher instead for the network issues your having, as I don't think there is much we can do about the Client based version of Putty in this instance. Here is a video of that if you're interested - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_PHLAfQe7c



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I looked at the PSLauncher Powershell Script and noticed the Following. 


Starting in Line 232 you wait for 10 Seconds for the User to give a Response to the "RSA Key Fingerprint" prompt. 

If no reaction is given or as it seems in our Case when the Connection takes too long to establish, Putty gets killed with the "Stop-Process -processname putty -Force" Command. This command kills every Open Putty Session. 

I don't know much about Powershell Scripting but shouldn't it be possible to just kill the Session that was opened last? 




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Hi Findus,


No sorry, it's not possible to do this we believe - we are "attaching" to a process called putty, and don't believe i's possible to distinguish between different "putty" processes.


Is our Browser Based Launcher an option at all? If not, then I'm not sure there's much we can do about this unfortunately.


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Hello Findus,


We've had another customer come back with a suggestion which might help with your problem. On lines 192 and 249 within this PowerShell script, can you change it to { Exit }


This will just exit the script instead of closing the active Putty Session. Thanks for Florian for this suggestion :)


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